How to Configure Windows XP SP2 Network Protection Technologies on a Single Computer
A computer that is connected to the Internetmight be vulnerable to an attack. An attack is a deliberate attempt tobypass the security of a computer or deprive you of the use of thecomputer.
In Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Microsoftdelivers several technologies that help protect your computer. Thesetechnologies do not replace periodic security updates. They helpstrengthen the overall defenses of Windows XP against maliciousattacks. The Windows Security Center serves as a place to start foritems related to security and security-related Web links.
WindowsFirewall is included in Windows XP SP2 and helps to protect yourcomputer by attempting to block unsolicited connections. Unsolicitedconnections are those that are not made in response to a request fromyour computer. Programs on your computer, such as Internet Explorer orOutlook Express, still operate successfully because Windows Firewallallows these solicited connections from your computer.
Thedefault settings for Windows XP SP2 help to secure your computer. Ifthe default settings do not meet your security needs you can use theguidance in this document to configure alternative settings. Theseallow you to use your computer efficiently while still helping toreduce the risk from malicious attacks.
To configure the network protection technologies, you must perform the following tasks:
• | UseWindows Security Center to configure Automatic Updates, WindowsFirewall settings, and to determine antivirus protection status |
• | Configure Microsoft Internet Explorer |
• | Configure Microsoft Outlook Express |
• | Configure Wireless Networking Security |
IMPORTANT: The instructions in this document were developed with the Start menuthat appears by default when you install your operating system. If youhave modified your Start menu, the steps might differ slightly.
For definitions of security-related terms, see the following:
• | "Microsoft Security Glossary" on the Microsoft Web site at |
Before You Begin
Thisdocument helps you set up the network protection features of Windows XPProfessional SP2 and Windows XP Home Edition SP2 on a single computer.
Using Windows Security Center
TheSecurity Center service runs as a background process and checks thestate of the following security essentials on the user’s computer:
• | Firewall.Security Center checks whether Windows Firewall is on or off. SecurityCenter can also check for the presence of some third-party firewalls. Note: For more information on software firewall manufacturers, see the following:
| ||
• | Automatic Updates.Security Center checks to ensure that Automatic Updates is set to therecommended setting, which automatically downloads and installscritical updates to the user’s computer. If Automatic Updates is turnedoff or is not set to the recommended settings, Security Center providesappropriate recommendations. | ||
• | Virus Protection.Security Center checks for the presence of antivirus software usingqueries for specific Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providersthat are made available by participating vendors. If the information isavailable, the Security Center service reports on whether the softwareis up-to-date and whether real-time scanning is turned on. Note: For more information regarding Microsoft Antivirus partners, see the following:
Ifa security essential is found to be in a non-secure or undetectablestate Security Center places a red shield in the notification area ofyour computer's taskbar and also provides an Alert message when youlogon. This message links to Security Center which displays a messageabout the problem and provides recommendations about how to fix it.
Ifyou use an antivirus or firewall program that you monitor yourself, youcan change the way that Security Center alerts you for that program.
The procedures that you perform when using the Security Center are:
• | Change the Security Center Alerts |
• | Configure Windows Firewall |
• | Configure Automatic Updates |
Requirements to perform this task
• | Credentials: You must log on as a member of the local Administrators security group. |
Changing Security Center Alerts
Youare not required to use an antivirus or firewall software program thatis compliant with Security Center. If you use software that is notdetectable, you must configure Security Center options that let youmonitor your security status on your own and you will not receivemessages that prompt you to change your configuration.
To change Security Center alerts
1. | Click Start, and then click Control Panel. |
2. | On the Pick a category page, click SecurityCenter. |
3. | Under Resources, click Change the way SecurityCenter alerts me. Figure 2 Alert Settings |
4. | Clear the alert settings to meet your requirements. |
5. | Click OK. |
Configuring Windows Firewall
Thedefault settings for Windows Firewall meet the needs of most users. Thedefault settings and when you might change them are defined in table 1.
Table 1 Default Windows Firewall settings
Option | Default Configuration | Modify when |
Network connection settings | All connections | You no longer require the protection of Windows Firewall on a specific connection, or you require settings per-connection. |
Program exceptions | Remote Assistance only | You require connections from other programs or services to your computer. |
Port exceptions | None | You require connections from other computers programs that use specific ports on your computer. |
ICMP exceptions | None | You require other computers to verify that your computer exists and that TCP/IP is configured correctly. |
Notifications | On | You no longer wish to be notified when other computers try to connect to your computer but fail to connect. |
Logging | Off | You require a record of connections or connection attempts made to your computer. |
Don't Allow Exceptions | Off | Youbecome aware of a security vulnerability of your computer for which youhave not applied the patch. After you have applied the patch, returnthis setting to Off. |
Note: Althoughthis document explains how to modify the default settings, if you do soyou might increase the vulnerability of your computer to attack.
Ifyou add any of the exceptions options listed in table1, for eachexception you can define a scope. A scope is an optional configurationthat allows you to specify which computers can use the excepted programon your computer. For home and small office networks, Microsoftrecommends that you configure the scope to the local network, where youcan do this. If you configure the scope to the local network, computerson the same network subnet can connect to the program on the computer.However, traffic that originates from a remote computer is not allowed.
To modify the default Windows Firewall settings perform the following procedures on your computer:
• | Enable Windows Firewall on a per-network connection basis |
• | Configure program exceptions |
• | Configure port exceptions |
• | Configure ICMP exceptions |
• | Disable notifications |
• | Setup firewall log settings |
• | Use Don't allow exceptions |
Important: Ifyou modify any of the above settings, except Don't allow exceptions,you increase the vulnerability of your computer to attack.
To enable Windows Firewall on a per-network connection basis
1. | From SecurityCenter, under Manage security settings for, click Windows Firewall. |
2. | In Windows Firewall, click the Advanced tab. Figure 3 Windows Firewall Advanced settings |
3. | On the Advanced tab, in the Network Connection Settings area, clear any connections that you do not require Windows Firewall to protect. Note:Windows Firewall is enabled by default for all network connections. Ifyou are already using a third-party host firewall product (a locallyinstalled software firewall) on a particular connection, then it isrecommended that you disable Windows Firewall for only that connection. |
4. | On the Advanced tab, in the Network Connection Settingsarea, click to highlight the particular connection that you wish toconfigure firewall settings that are different from the default, andthen click Settings. Figure 4 Windows Firewall Advanced settings per-connection |
5. | Select or clear the particular service that you wish to enable or disable for this connection. |
6. | If the service you wish to enable for this connection is not displayed, click Add. Figure 5 Service Settings for a particular network connection |
7. | On the Service Settings page, type the details for the service that you wish to enable and then click OK. |
8. | Click OK to close the Advanced Settings page. |
To configure program exceptions
1. | In Windows Firewall click the Exceptions tab. Figure 6 Windows Firewall Exceptions |
2. | In the Programs and Services area, select each service that you require to make a connection to your computer, and then click OK. |
3. | If the Program or Service is not listed and you wish to enable a program to make a connection through Windows Firewall, click Add Program. Figure 7 Add a Program |
4. | In the Programs list, click the program that you need to pass through Windows Firewall. Note: If the program is not listed, click Browse and browse to the Program. Click the program and then click Open. |
5. | Click Change scope. Note:Change scope is an optional configuration that allows you to specifywhich computers can use the excepted program on your computer. If youdo not need to define a scope, you can skip to step 8. Figure 8 Change scope |
6. | Click either: Any computer (including those on the Internet), to allow unsolicited access to your program, or My network (subnet) only, to allow computers on the same network subnet as your computer to access the program, or Custom list, to allow only the computers you specify in the custom list field to access the program |
7. | Click OK. |
8. | In the Add a Program box click OK. |
9. | Click OK. |
To configure port exceptions
1. | In Windows Firewall, click the Exceptions tab. |
2. | In the Programs and Services area, click Add Port. Figure 9 Add a Port |
3. | In the Name field, type a name for the port you wish to add. In the Port number field, type the appropriate port number. Click the appropriate TCP or UDP button. |
4. | Click Change scope. Note:Change scope is an optional configuration that allows you to specifywhich computers can use the excepted port on your computer. If you donot need to define a scope, you can skip to step 7. |
5. | Click either: Any computer (including those on the Internet), to allow unsolicited access your computer through the port, or My network (subnet) only, to allow computers on the same network subnet as your computer to access your computer through the port, or Custom list, to allow only the computers you specify in the custom list field to access your computer through the port |
6. | Click OK. |
7. | In the Add a Port box, ensure your new port is added to the Programs and Services list, and then click OK. |
8. | In the Add a Port box, click OK. |
To configure ICMP exceptions
1. | In Windows Firewall on the Advanced tab, in the ICMP section, click Settings. Figure 10 ICMP Settings | ||
2. | Selectthe appropriate settings for ICMP exceptions, for example, if you wishto enable your computer to respond to the ping command, select Allow incoming echo request, and then click OK. Note: This is the default setting if the File and Printer Sharing exception is enabled. Note: For more information on ICMP traffic, see the following:
To disable notifications
• | In Windows Firewall, on the Exceptions tab, clear Display a notification when Windows Firewall blocks a program, and then click OK. |
To set up Windows Firewall log settings
Note: For information on how to interpret the Windows Firewall log, see the following:
1. | In Windows Firewall, on the Advanced tab, in the Security Logging section, click Settings. Figure 11 Log Settings |
2. | On the Log Settings page, select Log dropped packets to record all the connection attempts rejected by your firewall and Log successful connections to record all the connection attempts allowed by your firewall. |
3. | Type a path and name for your log (pfirewall.log is the default). Note: The location for your log file must be secured to prevent accidental or deliberate modification of the log. |
4. | Configure a size limit to ensure that your log does not grow to an unmanageable size, and then click OK. |
5. | Click OK to close Windows Firewall and apply the settings. |
To use Don't allow exceptions
Note:Use this setting when you need maximum protection for your computer,such as when you connect to a public network in a hotel or airport, orwhen a new vulnerability is discovered and either you have not had timeto apply a patch your computer or a patch is unavailable.
1. | In SecurityCenter, under Manage security settings for, click Windows Firewall. |
2. | On the General tab, select Don't allow exceptions. Figure 12 Windows Firewall Don't allow exceptions |
3. | Click OK and then close the SecurityCenter. |
Configuring Automatic Updates
Thedefault settings for Automatic Updates will meet the needs of mostusers. In this state, Windows routinely checks the Windows Update Website for high-priority updates that can help protect your computer fromthe latest vulnerabilities and other security threats. These updatescan include security updates, critical updates, and service packs.Depending on the setting you choose, Windows automatically downloadsand installs any high-priority updates that your computer needs, ornotifies you as these updates become available.
Note:Automatic Updates will only automatically download system updates thatare high-priority. Use Office Update for critical updates to MicrosoftOffice.
To configure Automatic Updates
1. | Open SecurityCenter, then under Manage security settings for, click Automatic Updates. Figure 13 Automatic Updates | ||||||||
2. | Click one of the following options that matches your desired configuration, and then click OK:
Verifying Security Center Settings Are Applied
Verifying Security Center Alerts Are Applied
To verify SecurityCenter Alerts are applied
1. | From the Windows XP SP2 desktop, click Start, click Control Panel. |
2. | Under Pick a category, click SecurityCenter. |
3. | Under Resources, click Change the way SecurityCenter alerts me. |
4. | Verify that the desired alerts configuration is applied to your computer and then click OK to close Alert Settings. |
Verifying Windows Firewall Settings Are Applied
To verify Windows Firewall settings are applied
1. | From SecurityCenter,under Manage security settings for, click Windows Firewall. |
2. | Click the General, Exceptions, and Advanced tabs, and verify that the desired configuration is applied to Windows Firewall on your computer and then click OK to close Windows Firewall. |
Verifying Automatic Updates Settings Are Applied
To verify Automatic Updates settings are applied
1. | From Security Center, under Manage security settings for, click Automatic Updates. |
2. | Verify that the desired configuration is applied to Automatic Updates on your computer and then click OK to close Automatic Updates. |
Configuring Internet Explorer
InternetExplorer security features help to prevent access to information thatyou have not given others permission to access, such as credit cardinformation you enter when you shop on the Internet. Internet Explorersecurity features can also help to protect your computer frompotentially unsafe software.
Security features in Internet Explorer include:
• | The ability to block pop-up windows.When you browse the Web unwanted pop-up windows do not automaticallyappear. Any pop-up windows that you click are not blocked and you canspecify certain domains to allow their pop-up windows. Note: This setting might affect the functionality of some Web sites and Web applications |
• | The ability to update, disable, or re-enable Web browser add-ons.Add-on Management allows users to view and control the list of add-onsthat can be loaded by Internet Explorer. Users can enable and disableeach add-on individually and view information about how often theadd-ons have been used by Internet Explorer. |
ThePop-up Blocker is enabled by default, but does not block pop-ups fromWeb sites that are in the Local intranet Web content zone, or sitesthat have been added to the Trusted sites Web content zone.
If you have disabled the Pop-up Blocker, you can enable it by using one of three different methods:
• | Promptat first occurrence. A dialog box appears before the first pop-upwindow appears that asks the customer to enable Pop-up Blocker. |
• | Use the tools menu. |
• | Use Internet Options from Control Panel. |
Ifa site opens a pop-up window that is blocked by Internet Explorer, anotification appears in the status bar. If you click the notificationin the status bar, you see a menu with the following options:
• | Show Blocked Pop-up Window. This option displays the pop-up window, this time unblocked. |
• | Allow Pop-up Windows from This Site. This option adds the current site to an Allow list. |
• | Block Pop-up Windows. This option toggles the Pop-up Blocker on and off. |
• | Pop-up Windows Options. This option opens the Pop-up Windows Management window. |
Microsoftresearch has shown that some add-ons are a major cause of stabilityissues in Internet Explorer. These add-ons can affect the reliabilityof Internet Explorer and can also pose a security risk, because theymight contain malicious code.
For example, you mightunintentionally install an add-on that secretly records all Web pageactivity and reports it to a central server. Previously, specializedsoftware and deep technical knowledge might have been required toidentify and remove that add-on.
Internet Explorer Add-onManagement, together with Add-on Crash Detection, gives you the abilityto identify and disable problematic add-ons.
To modify the default Internet Explorer settings, you must perform these procedures on your computer:
• | Change Pop-up blocking |
• | Manage Add-ons |
Requirements to perform this task
• | Credentials: You must log on to your computer. Note: You do not have to log on as a member of the Administrators security group to perform this task |
To change pop-up blocking
1. | Click Start, point to All Programs, and then click Internet Explorer. |
2. | In Internet Explorer, click Tools, point to Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings. Figure 14 Pop-up Blocker Settings |
3. | In the Notifications and Filter Level area, choose the check boxes that will enable the way that you are notified when a Pop-up is blocked. |
4. | Under Filter Level choose one from High, Medium and Low. High: Block all pop-ups, to block all pop-ups Medium: Block most automatic pop-ups, to block automatic pop-ups Low: Allow pop-ups from secure sites, to allow pop-ups from secure sites |
5. | In the Exceptions area, type the address of the Web site that you wish to allow Pop-ups from and then click Add. |
6. | Repeat step 5 for all the Web sites that you wish to allow Pop-ups from. |
7. | Click Close and then close Internet Explorer. |
To manage add-ons
Note: If Internet Explorer is already open, you can open Add-on Management by clicking Tools, clicking Internet Options, and then skipping to step 4 below.
1. | Click Start, and then click Control Panel. |
2. | On the Pick a category page, click Network and Internet Connections. |
3. | Under or Pick a Control Panel icon, click Internet Options. Figure 15 Internet Properties |
4. | Click the Programs tab. Figure 16 Internet Properties – Programs Note: Figure 16 displays the default Internet programs list. The list on your computer might be different. |
5. | Click Manage Add-ons. |
6. | To list the add-ons you wish to manage, in the Show drop-down box, choose either: Add-ons currently loaded in Internet Explorer, or Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer. Note: Add-ons currently loaded in Internet Explorer is only available if any Add-ons are installed on your computer. |
7. | When the list displays the Add-ons you wish to manage, click the Add-on you wish to disable. Under settings, click Disable and then click OK. Note: To enable an already disabled Add-on, select the add-on, and then click Enable. Figure 18 Add-on Status Box |
8. | An add-on status box appears. Click OK. |
9. | To update an ActiveX control, click the control in the list, then click Update ActiveX, and then click OK. |
10. | Click OK to close the Manage Add-ons page. |
11. | Click OK to close Internet Properties and then close Network and Internet Connections. |
Verifying Internet Explorer Settings Are Applied
Whenyou verify Internet Explorer settings, some tabs and options in thedialog boxes might be unavailable depending on your configuration.
To verify Internet Explorer settings are applied
1. | From Security Center, under Manage security settings for, click Internet Options. |
2. | Click Privacy |
3. | In the Pop-up Blocker area, verify that Block Pop-ups is selected and then click Settings. |
4. | Verify that the desired exceptions, notifications, and filter levels are applied to your computer and then click Close to close Pop-up Blocker Settings. |
5. | Click the Programs tab. |
6. | Click Manage Add-ons and verify that the desired configuration of Enable or Disable is set for each Add-on and then click OK to close Manage Add-ons. |
7. | Close Internet Properties then close Security Center. |
8. | Close Control Panel |
Configuring Outlook Express
E-mailprograms use the features of HyperText Markup Language (HTML) toenhance the look and content of e-mails. HTML is used to add differentcolors and sizes to fonts as well as a number of other effects thatchange the appearance of an e-mail message. Unfortunately, using HTMLhas added two vulnerabilities to e-mail:
• | HTMLcan act as a conduit for scripts to run on your computer. This meansthat anyone who sends you an e-mail using HTML could cause yourcomputer to run scripts to perform actions that you have no controlover. |
• | Businessesthat use spam as a marketing technique typically include links—in thee-mails that they send out—to images on their Web servers. Therecipient is not aware of potentially malicious content. When the useropens an e-mail that contains the link Outlook Express automaticallycontacts the Web server to download and display the images. When therequest for the image is made to the Web server, it can ascertain thata spam e-mail message was received by an active e-mail account, thusvalidating the e-mail address in the spam originator’s mailing list. |
To lessen the risks posed by these issues, Outlook Express includes the following features:
• | Plain text mode.This feature provides you with the option to display e-mail messages inplain text instead of HTML. This removes access to links that might beused for malicious purposes. |
• | Don’t Download External HTML Content.This default feature prevents the verification of an active e-mailaddress with the spam originator because it does not allow the use ofany external links. This feature also minimizes a common problem forcomputers that use dial-up network connections. Any attempt to view anHTML message that included external content causes the modem to dialout to download the external content. |
• | Attachment Manager.Outlook Express calls the Attachment Manager when you receive e-mailattachments. If an attachment is considered safe, Outlook Express makesit completely available to you, displaying any safe images and makingit possible to open safe attachments. Examples of attachments and filetypes included in this category are text files (.txt) and graphicsfiles such as JPEGs (.jpg) and GIFs (.gif). If an attachment isidentified as potentially unsafe, an executable program for example,Attachment Manager will block it so you won't be able to open itwithout taking explicit action. You will see a notice of the blockage.Examples of attachments in this category include executable files(.exe), screensavers (.scr), and script files (including .vbs). If thesafety of an attachment is undetermined, you'll receive a warning whenyou try to move, save, open, or print the file. Note:Microsoft Windows Messenger, and Internet Explorer also use theAttachment Manager to handle e-mail attachments and Internet downloads.These programs and their components might be affected by modificationof these settings. When you save files to your hard disk from aprogram that uses the Attachment Manager, the Web content zoneinformation for the file is also saved with the file. Note: For more information about Attachment Manager, see the following: |
To configure Outlook Express you must perform these procedures:
• | Enable Plain Text mode |
• | Use Security Options to configure how Outlook Express handles attachments |
Requirements to perform this task
• | Credentials: You must log on as a member of the Users group. Note: You do not have to log on as a member of the administrators security group to perform this task |
Enabling Plain Text mode
To enable Plain Text mode
1. | Click Start, point to All Programs, and then click Outlook Express. |
2. | In Outlook Express, click Tools, click Options, and then click the Read tab. Figure 19 Outlook Express Read options |
3. | In the Reading Messages section, select Read all messages in plain text, and then click Apply. |
4. | Click the Send tab. Figure 20 Outlook Express Send options |
5. | Ensure that in the Mail Sending Format and News Sending Format areas that the Plain Text radio button is selected, and then click OK. |
Using Security Options to Configure How Outlook Express Handles Attachments
The default settings for security options will meet the needs of most users.
To use Security Options to configure how Outlook Express handles attachments
1. | In Outlook Express, click Tools, then click Options, and then click Security. Figure 21 Outlook Express Security options |
2. | To enable default settings, under Virus Protection selectthese options: Restricted sites zone (More secure) Warn me when other applications try to send mail as me Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus |
3. | To enable default settings, under Download Images select these options: Block images and other external content in HTML e-mail |
4. | Click OK. |
Verifying Outlook Express Settings Are Applied
To verify Outlook Express settings are applied
1. | Click Start, point to All Programs, and then click Outlook Express. |
2. | In Outlook Express, click Tools, click Options, and then click the Read tab. |
3. | Verify that Read all messages in plain text is selected then click the Send tab. |
4. | Verify that in the Mail Sending Format and News Sending Format areas that Plain Text is selected, and then click the Security tab. |
5. | Under Virus Protection select these options: Restricted sites zone (More secure) Warn me when other applications try to send mail as me Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus |
6. | Under Download Images select these options: Block images and other external content in HTML e-mail |
7. | Click OK. |
8. | Close Outlook Express. |
Configuring Wireless Network Security
Wirelesslocal area network (WLAN) technologies have become a popular networkalternative to connect multiple computers in a home or small business.Although wireless networks introduce location flexibility, they alsopotentially increase the vulnerability of your computer and networkenvironment and introduce security issues that do not exist withconventional wire-based networking technologies such as Ethernetconnections. These security issues include:
• | Authentication requirements that specify which computers are allowed to join the wireless network. |
• | Encryptionsettings that specify how transmitted wireless data is encrypted sothat an eavesdropper cannot interpret the data being sent, or accessnetwork resources such as shared folders. |
For a home or small office, there are two recommended choices for authentication and encryption:
• | Open system authentication with Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption. |
• | Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) with pre-shared network key authentication. |
Youshould use WEP encryption only if all of your network devices do notsupport WPA. Microsoft strongly recommends using WPA-capable wirelessdevices.
The Wireless Network Setup Wizard guides you through the configuration of wireless network settings and allows you to configure:
• | A name for your wireless connection service |
• | The authentication and encryption method |
• | A strong WEP or WPA network key |
Ifyou wish to copy the configuration to other wireless devices, thewizard can then write that configuration as a set of Extensible MarkupLanguage (XML) files on a Universal Serial Bus (USB) flash drive. Plugthe flash drive into an available USB port on other wireless devices inthe home or small office that supports wireless networking to importthese settings. The wireless devices automatically read the settingsfrom the XML files stored on the flash drive and configure themselveswith the same settings as the computer on which the Wireless NetworkSetup Wizard was initially run.
To use the Wireless Network Setup Wizard, complete the following task.
Requirements to perform this task
• | Credentials: You must log on to your computer as an account in the Administrators security group. |
Using the Wireless Network Setup Wizard
To use the Wireless Network Setup Wizard
1. | Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to Communications, and then click Wireless Network Setup Wizard. |
2. | Click Next. Figure 23 Create a name for your wireless network Note: If you want the Wireless Network Setup Wizard to create a WEP key (instead of WPA), clear the Use WPA encryption check box. If you want the Wireless Network Setup Wizard to create a strong WPA network key select the Use WPA encryption check box. |
3. | Type a name for your wireless network (also known as the Service Set Identifier [SSID]), then select either: Automatically assign a network key (recommended) Or Manually assign a network key |
4. | Click Next. Note: If you select Manually assign a network key, you are prompted to enter a WEP or WPA key for your private network. You must enter and then confirm the key and then click Next. |
5. | Click either: Use a USB flash drive.TheWireless Network Setup Wizard prompts you to insert your flash deviceso that it can create the XML files for the wireless networkconfiguration (which includes the wireless network name, authenticationand encryption methods, and the WEP key or WPA network key). Click Next and then click Finish. Or Set up a network manually.The Wireless Network Setup Wizard prompts you to print the wirelessnetwork settings so that you can take the printed wireless networkconfiguration to each wireless device for manual configuration. Click Next, then click Print Settings and then click Finish. |
Verifying Wireless Network Security Settings Are Applied
To verify Wireless Network Security settings are applied
1. | From the Windows XP SP2 desktop, click Start, click Control Panel. |
2. | Under Pick a category, click Network and Internet Connections. |
3. | Click Network Connections, right-click your Wireless Network Connection object and then click Properties. |
4. | On the Wireless Networks tab, under Preferred networks, select the wireless network you configured with the Wireless Network Setup Wizard and then click Properties. |
5. | Click the Association and Authentication tabs, verify that the configuration you want is applied to your wireless network and then click OK to close your wireless network properties. |
6. | Click OK to close your Wireless Network Connection Properties and then close Network Connections. |
windows xp sp2 protected by using firewall and security antivirus.when we use the internat in windows xp than some worms and virus come in to system profiles so we use and execute antivirus.
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