May 18, 2008

Domain Name Service DNS (workstation / client)

Domain Name Service DNS (workstation / client)

On the client task
The name service specification
Open Config => Networking => Client tasks => Name server specification (DNS).

Before our client computer can make appropriate negotiations to authenticate and login, it must have to know where to ask to obtain the correct path (IP) to its destination; that's when the DNS takes place (the ISP's DNS).

This DNS information is the server provided by the ISP, and it is given to you when you get your static IP.

Enter the IP addresses of the DNS servers These servers are contacted first when you connect to the Internet.

When you request a web page from your browser, these servers are contacted to find the shortest route to obtain that page.

- When finished click Accept

Note: Do not confuse these DNS servers with the one you have in your internal network. Read chapter 9 about servers.

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