Open Config => Networking => Client tasks => Host names and IP network devices
I have planned to demonstrate how to setup the most common servers. So the configuration for the network I will use is static IP. I will assume that this will be a public address.
Public IP: Physical IP addresses visible over the Internet.
Private IP: Physical IP addresses visible internally within the company in a local area network.
The networking section has two main tabs; Client and Server.
Before a system becomes a server on the Internet it is a client first, afterwards it is promoted. First you connect to the Internet to prove or test that your connection is active.
Grab your tools and test the line yourself if you know how to do it. But never trust the Telco or ISP that the line is active until you actually set up the computer and browse the Internet.
On the client tasks: Click on Host name and IP network device to get to the host name configuration:
- Enter the computer name + the domain name
The domain name will be identified over the Internet when you run the web server. For practice and demonstration purposes you don't need to be connected to the Internet. Just be aware that it is the same scenario. The difference is only on the IP address (public or private).
- Click on Adaptor1
The adaptor1 is your first net card. You have the option of installing and configuring four net cards.
Note: Each net card is configured in its own subnet
- Make sure the card is enabled.
- Configure mode must be manual
- Computer name + Domain stay the same
The aliases are how you want the computer to be known or found as.
-Enter the IP address given by your ISP with the subnet mask
-Select the network device (card 1 = eth0)
-Enter the kernel module (driver module)
-Click Accept.
- Aliases — shorthand for the fully qualified domain name. This is often the same as the primary name. For example, if the fully qualified domain name is, you could set server2 as an alias.
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