Mar 30, 2008

HTML Terms

HTML Terms

Provides a list of HTML terms along with definitions.

  • Angle brackets - The characters, < and >, set HTML tags off from the rest of the text on an HTML page. These two symbols enclose all HTML tags.
  • Attributes - Defined words used in an HTML tag to modify the tag properties. They can be used to add or change color or change a size in some element.
  • BODY - The main part of an HTML document.
  • Element - An HTML designator that defines special objects such as paragraphs, lists, and lines in HTML. It usually consists of a beginning and ending tag, but may have just a beginning tag.
  • FTP - File Transfer Protocol. A method used to send or receive files between two computers on the network or internet.
  • Graphics drawing program - A program used to draw graphics images that may be used on a web page. Normally these images are stored as gif files, but several formats may be used.
  • Header - The beginning part of an HTML document which defines various characteristics such as the title.
  • Home page - The main page of an organization or company which is the first page seen when the organization's URL is visited.
  • HTML - Hyper-Text Markup Language is the basic language web pages are written in.
  • HTML editor - An editor that makes web page creation easier than using a normal text editor. Although you can write HTML code using a standard text editor, it is strongly recommended that you use some type of HTML editor even for learning. There are two categories of text editor.
    1. WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) or graphical HTML editors which allow the user to see the page as the web browser would see it as they edit the page. You will not see the HTML elements or tag sets using this type of editor, so for learning HTML it is not recommended.
    2. A text based HTML editor lets the user see and edit HTML code directly. Usually the HTML tags are displayed in a different color than the surrounding text which makes them easier to see and work with. This web page was written using the Arachnophilia v3.9 HTML editor.
  • HTTP - Hypertext transfer protocol is the internet protocol used to transport information between the client browser and the web page server.
  • Hyperlinks or links - HTML coded locations of other material on the web. They are usually underlined and consist of a different text color than the surrounding text. When you click on them they will usually cause your browser to load the page it is pointing to and you will see the new page displayed.
  • Tags - Tags are used to surround text which has special meaning in HTML. Tags tell the browser what to do. The tag set <P> </P> is used to tell the browser that text between the two tags is to be set apart as a separate paragraph in HTML.
  • URI - Uniform Resource Identifier which is used as an identifier for a resource. The URI may include a complete path to the resource or may only be relative without a complete path.
  • URL - Uniform Resource Locator. It is used to specify file locations of html or other files. The URL "" is the URL for the CTDP home page. The first section "http:" designates the type of transfer which in this case is Hyper-text transfer protocol. Other cases include FTP, GOPHER, and FILE.
  • Web browser - Software used to retrieve and display web pages on the web. It is considered to be a client program which makes requests to web servers for web page files. Browsers can all read basic HTML but may be different in other areas such as being able to display or run script code, video and graphics.
  • Web server - The computer the web pages are stored on. The web server will transmit the web pages across the network/internet to the client computer which is running a web browser

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