This page lists HTML tags and gives links to where you can find information about each HTML tag in this tutorial.
Start tag | End tag | Description |
<!DOCTYPE> | - | Document type. |
<ABBREV> | </ABBREV> | Denotes an abbreviation. |
<A> | </A> | Anchor |
<APPLET> | </APPLET> | Anchor |
<AREA> | - | Defines areas of an image map that the user may click on to establish a link. |
<AU> | </AU> | Author. |
<B> | </B> | Bold text |
<BASE> | - | Defines the base point from which anchor references are made. |
<BASEFONT> | - | Used to set the default font size on the current page. |
<BGSOUND> | - | Used to play sounds on a web page. |
<BIG> | </BIG> | Set text size to larger than normal. |
<BLOCKQUOTE> | </BLOCKQUOTE> | Indents the text as though it were a quote. |
<BR> | - | Break, starts a new line, but doesn't put a blank line between text. |
<BODY> | </BODY> | Defines the body of the HTML page. |
<BUTTON> | </BUTTON> | Used to define a FORM submit, reset, or push button. |
<CODE> | </CODE> | Denotes program code and should be set in the same format as the PRE tag, but does not work either with all browsers or all HTML versions. |
<DIR> | </DIR> | directory |
<DD> | </DD> | Designated definition. |
<DEL> | </DEL> | Denotes deleted text. |
<DIV> | </DIV> | Used to offset parts of the HTML document to perform assignment of special attributes or controls to that section. |
<DFN> | </DFN> | Denotes the definition of a term. |
<DL> | </DL> | Definition list. |
<DOCTYPE> | - | Document type. |
<DT> | </DT> | Definition term. |
<EM> | </EM> | Sets text in italics and denotes emphasis. |
<FIELDSET> | </FIELDSET> | Allows grouping of form controls. |
<FONT> | </FONT> | Sets a section of text with a specific font. |
<FORM> | </FORM> | Displays a form for user information. |
<FRAME> | - | Specifies a frame to be placed inside a FRAMESET. |
<FRAMESET> | </FRAMESET> | Used to divide the browser window into separate frames that can display multiple documents. |
<H1> | </H1> | Defines a level 1 header. |
<H2> | </H2> | Defines a level 2 header. |
<H3> | </H3> | Defines a level 3 header. |
<H4> | </H4> | Defines a level 4 header. |
<H5> | </H5> | Defines a level 5 header. |
<H6> | </H6> | Defines a level 6 header. |
<HEAD> | </HEAD> | Defines the head of document. |
<HR> | - | Horizontal rule, starts a new line with horizontal graphic line between sections. |
<HTML> | </HTML> | Defines an HTML document or page. |
<IMG> | - | Used to embed graphics in HTML pages. |
<INPUT> | </INPUT> | An input element for a form. |
<INS> | </INS> | Denotes inserted text. |
<I> | </I> | Italics |
<KBD> | </KBD> | Text to be typed at the keyboard, such as a computer command. The test is displayed in a mono spaced format. |
<LABEL> | <.LABEL> | Allows an ability to click on a text label to select a form control |
<LI> | - | List item in a list. |
<MAP> | </MAP> | Starts a client-side image map. |
<MENU> | </MENU> | A menu list (Depreciated). |
<META> | - | Meta element defining special characteristics of the document. |
<NOFRAMES> | </NOFRAMES> | Used for web browsers that don't support FRAMESETs. |
<NOSCRIPT> | </NOSCRIPT> | Used for web browsers that don't support script code. |
<OBJECT> | </OBJECT> | Object, the replacement for Applets and more. |
<OL> | </OL> | Numbered or ordered list. |
<OPTGROUP> | </OPTGROUP> | Sets up choices inside a SELECT menu. |
<OPTION> | </OPTION> | Used to set items in a list of selectable items in a form. |
<P> | </P> | Paragraph. |
<PARAM> | - | Used to set up parameters for the OBJECT and APPLET elements.. |
<PRE> | </PRE> | Preformatted text. Text presented as typed with tabs, spaces and other whitespace. |
<Q> | </Q> | Quotation. |
<SAMP> | </SAMP> | Denotes sample text. |
<SCRIPT> | </SCRIPT> | Used to embed client side script in HTML code, usually in the header. |
<SELECT> | </SELECT> | Creates a list of items that can be selected. |
<SMALL> | </SMALL> | Makes text smaller than normal. |
<SPAN> | </SPAN> | Allows text attributes and color to be modified at any location. |
<STRIKE> | </STRIKE> | Draws a line through the text as a "strikeout". |
<STRONG> | </STRONG> | Same as bold but denotes strong emphasis. |
<STYLE> | </STYLE> | Used to set the style of the web page. |
<SUB> | </SUB> | Subscript. |
<SUP> | </SUP> | Superscript. |
<TABLE> | </TABLE> | Table. |
<TD> | </TD> | Designates a table data cell. |
<TEXTAREA> | </TEXTAREA> | Indicates an element that has multiple text lines |
<TH> | </TH> | Designates a table header. |
<TR> | </TR> | Designates a table row. |
<TITLE> | </TITLE> | Document or page title. |
<TT> | </TT> | Monospaced typewriter font. |
<U> | </U> | Underlined text. |
<UL> | </UL> | Unnumbered list. |
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