Review - SPAMfighter Pro for Thunderbird
A spam filter for Thunderbird, is that really necessary? This I asked myself when I got the package face. Thunderbird itself has spam filter out there. SPAMfighter itself naturally thinks otherwise, so it is time for the suite thoroughly agree with the feel.
First Impression
Everyone knows it and has firmly dealt with spam. Unsolicited e-mail without pardon your inbox . Whether it is on major events, viagra pills, or maybe your dog, everything is used to maximize money.
The senders of these spam are hard to trace the spam is often sent by infected PCs around the world which again received instructions from other servers. It is therefore understandable that the identity of a spammer is difficult to ascertain.
SPAMfighter uses a system that takes care of that through the community less spam arrives in everyone. Anyone can e-mail it as unwanted or not. Then everything is back to a central server sent, where new rules are made that determine what is correct or not spam.
After a file of about two megabytes of downloaded website we can get to work. The installation is simple to complete and consists of creating an account and accepting the terms and conditions. A reboot of the system is not necessary.
Creating an account during the installation
After the installation it is not clear what should be done. Of course there is the tutorial, but if you're like me and made all things immediately clicked, it is not really useful course. Also that guide is written for Microsoft Outlook and not Thunderbird.
But the program is embedded directly in the taskbar, where it will then try all unwanted emails neatly into the appropriate folder deposit. That is once done, then the user does not have to. The filter is in place and ready for a lot of spam.
SPAMfighter in Action & Organizations
After all in a rapidly installed and ready for use, it is time for a test of the filter. All settings are left at default settings, to the best possible image to what you get with the default options. Furthermore, we used a standard Thunderbird installation on Windows Vista, with an account on. The default filter that account is disabled.

During the test was about 3000 spam emails to handle, which it knew all to recognize and equal in the spam folder deposited. The only drawback is that the default newsletter not seen as spam. This is optional to set, but it would be nice if this was already standard.
Of course there is some tweaking to the settings. The first is a handy overview of all spam that currently blocked, and the total amount of spam that is intercepted and processed by the community.
Statistics from SPAMfighter
The tinkering with the settings of the filter itself is a black and white list and allows you to filter certain languages or not. There is also a screen where you 'sensitivity' of the filter set. These range from 'very coarse', where a large proportion of spam there is, to 'very good', which seeks to become all newsletters and spam blocking.
The black list of SPAMfighter Pro
Much more than that is not to establish what really enough for such a filter. However, it would be nice if the package not only for anti-spam needs. Known as spoofing e-mails are the order of the day and it is a pity that the package is not let. Of course these can be reported and out quickly, but it would be a nice extra feature.
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Is it still useful, a spam filter in the middle of all those filters? Is that not excessive with all default filters? After testing the package I am convinced of the impact of such a filter.
Users help each other to find spam, so the system always' better ' and still is a smart move by SPAMfighter. I can suggest the product to anyone if you just want more than your standard spam filter, or do not already have one.Add to that the program is free for personal use and you have a good program in your hands.
Plus Points
Continuous improvement through user input.
Free for individuals.
Simple but clear interface.
Just a spam filter, nothing more and nothing less.

SPAMfighter Pro is now finally also for the popular e-mail client Thunderbird. It does it as good work as for example in Outlook and in the transfer not important options lost. If you're looking for a very good spam filter on your PC and laptop, then you get SPAMfighter Pro sound and a good product at home.
Source: techarena
A spam filter for Thunderbird, is that really necessary? This I asked myself when I got the package face. Thunderbird itself has spam filter out there. SPAMfighter itself naturally thinks otherwise, so it is time for the suite thoroughly agree with the feel.
First Impression
Everyone knows it and has firmly dealt with spam. Unsolicited e-mail without pardon your inbox . Whether it is on major events, viagra pills, or maybe your dog, everything is used to maximize money.
The senders of these spam are hard to trace the spam is often sent by infected PCs around the world which again received instructions from other servers. It is therefore understandable that the identity of a spammer is difficult to ascertain.

After a file of about two megabytes of downloaded website we can get to work. The installation is simple to complete and consists of creating an account and accepting the terms and conditions. A reboot of the system is not necessary.
Creating an account during the installation
After the installation it is not clear what should be done. Of course there is the tutorial, but if you're like me and made all things immediately clicked, it is not really useful course. Also that guide is written for Microsoft Outlook and not Thunderbird.

SPAMfighter in Action & Organizations
After all in a rapidly installed and ready for use, it is time for a test of the filter. All settings are left at default settings, to the best possible image to what you get with the default options. Furthermore, we used a standard Thunderbird installation on Windows Vista, with an account on. The default filter that account is disabled.

During the test was about 3000 spam emails to handle, which it knew all to recognize and equal in the spam folder deposited. The only drawback is that the default newsletter not seen as spam. This is optional to set, but it would be nice if this was already standard.
Of course there is some tweaking to the settings. The first is a handy overview of all spam that currently blocked, and the total amount of spam that is intercepted and processed by the community.
Statistics from SPAMfighter
The tinkering with the settings of the filter itself is a black and white list and allows you to filter certain languages or not. There is also a screen where you 'sensitivity' of the filter set. These range from 'very coarse', where a large proportion of spam there is, to 'very good', which seeks to become all newsletters and spam blocking.
The black list of SPAMfighter Pro
Much more than that is not to establish what really enough for such a filter. However, it would be nice if the package not only for anti-spam needs. Known as spoofing e-mails are the order of the day and it is a pity that the package is not let. Of course these can be reported and out quickly, but it would be a nice extra feature.
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Is it still useful, a spam filter in the middle of all those filters? Is that not excessive with all default filters? After testing the package I am convinced of the impact of such a filter.
Users help each other to find spam, so the system always' better ' and still is a smart move by SPAMfighter. I can suggest the product to anyone if you just want more than your standard spam filter, or do not already have one.Add to that the program is free for personal use and you have a good program in your hands.
Plus Points
Continuous improvement through user input.
Free for individuals.
Simple but clear interface.
Just a spam filter, nothing more and nothing less.

SPAMfighter Pro is now finally also for the popular e-mail client Thunderbird. It does it as good work as for example in Outlook and in the transfer not important options lost. If you're looking for a very good spam filter on your PC and laptop, then you get SPAMfighter Pro sound and a good product at home.
Source: techarena
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