Apr 5, 2009

Review - Nintendo DSi

Review - Nintendo DSi

DS, DS Lite and ISD. Three versions of the same console in four years. If the deadlines have tightened somewhat, the strategy remains the same since the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance. The first saw two versions with renaissances and Pocket Color, while the second was more discreet in the pretty clothes models SP and Micro. Every time (almost) the same hardware made attractive again by a few small finds, between real physical improvements (backlight, best sound and lighting, etc.). Relooking and more sexy.

However, with the ISD, never had a model so close to the first, inevitably raising the question of the appropriateness of an investment still amounted to RS 9000.

Dsi Nintendo DS or DS innovative useless?

At first glance, difficult to distinguish the CIO of a DS Lite. Same design, size roughly equivalent to half a centimeter, roughly similar weight, in short it is already dawning the inevitable misunderstandings and complaints of customers who follow the counters of shops. As the player a little better informed, it noted at first glance some significant changes: the emergence of a goal in front and finish a bit more sober due to the use of an opaque plastic. Gone are the glossy shine a bit of the DS Lite and hello fingerprints persistent (especially on the white model).

But the most notable distinctions appear only once the subject in hand. The exterior of the console is already evidence of some adjustments made to the hardware. Where once stood a start key has now been a port for SD card. ... nothing. That closes the destiny of titles such as Guital Hero: On Tour or incidental Arkanoid and allows the manufacturer to stop using partially cartridges piracy (since replaced by a cartridge already DS).

By opening the console, the presence of a second target placed between two screens to the left of the microphone. The speakers are more discreet, the cobblestones of buttons and the less prominent lower now hosts a start key. Increasing the size of the two screens 3 inches to 3.25 does not jump in the eyes and it will juxtapose DS and DSI to see change. Finally, to conclude this little introduction on ergonomics, we must nevertheless note that the buttons slices differ much from the hull while the cross direction is more pleasant to use thanks to a segmented course better - a small mark-click each direction.

"Like the iPhone, the Nintendo DSI profile is thus a flexible machine"

Pressure on the tiny power button and then you understand that most of the work focused on the interface and new software features of the console. The menu sobriety while allowing the user is not unlike that for Wii. Nintendo has indeed provided a long line of empty slots ready to accept a lot of games and applications at the opening of the shop DSiware. Like the iPhone, the Nintendo DSI profile is thus a flexible machine. Remains whether, like Apple, Nintendo will be resistant to the arrival of so-called homebrew software on its support. Without in divination, it is likely that the firm asserts again its protectionist policy with regard to its equipment.

At first launch, the ISD has only two native functions: the camera and sound studio. As its name suggests, the first allows the user to take his own shots thanks to two goals present within and outside the console. Practice is said to be at first. But after a few photos, the specific low-end of the cold flow device. The resolution of 640x480 and the target of 300 000 pixels do not produce images of good quality. In addition, we found some problems tracking face when the light is not the taste of miss. So why bother? Is that the ISD is not intended to jaded technophobia and refractory to plebeian wonder that we are. His camera is a little portable equivalent of Purikura Japanese.

"Distortions, frames, coloring and other opportunities for graphic editing in real time just brighten taking snapshots "

This application proposes to effect a small range of effects to achieve some nice compositions split three movements. Distortions, frames, coloring and other opportunities for graphic editing in real time just brighten up the clichés. Free then who wants to apply different effects when the saved image. If you quickly circled the directory available effects, there is no doubt that Nintendo will thereafter be enriched via downloadable content.

Tampered with the photos and can register in the internal memory of the console or SD card. The first allows you to store 412 photos (about 40 MB of storage) while the second is limited to 3000 snapshots whatever the size of the map used (about 300 MB allocated). Furthermore, it is impossible to know the space available on the latter, Nintendo obviously has not seen fit to distinguish the user notified of a girl of 4 years. Finally, it is prohibited to import images - even in jpeg format used by the console - thus limiting the use of the tool to retouch photos taken by the machine.

New chapter: after image, the sound studio. A name misleading insofar as this application is not quite a tool for editing and quite a player. First, only supported files are encoded in AAC (format of good quality but little used). The console recognizes MP3 files but refuses to read them. However, unlike the camera, it is possible to import your own files. This is the least of things you say. But between us, it does not seem completely at odds with the aims of Nintendo?

Judge for yourself: to be able to play a sound file cheat you must have an SD Card port on your PC or, failing that, an adapter encoding the song to AAC, transfer the new file to SD card and only then can we play Jean-Michel Jarre with ISD. In short, a mess of handling not necessarily obvious to the first course. But we imagine that Nintendo will not sell songs for download that make life so easy.

"The studio can also improvised music player with some features common to any self-respecting player"

The side of publishing opportunities, the application offers some fun effects. Changing speed and frequency filters (radio, instrumental, echo and changes on a 8-bit unfortunately very uncertain), Sound of funny noises and the possibility of using a panel of eighteen recordings short (10 seconds) made by the user. Unfortunately, apart from the sound assigned to the keys L and R, it is impossible to use multiple effects at the same time. Can also save the mix. In short, as we understood earlier, this is a little slight to merit the appellation of "studio". An application that will be limited to purely recreational use from time to time.

Finally, the studio may also improvised music player with some features common to any self-respecting player: shuffle, repeat one or several tracks and playlist of favorite songs. But this is still meager compared to the proposes that any standard reader, especially since the playlist does compile ten songs. And admit that opening the console as soon as one wishes to change the track or change his favorites can be quickly .

Finally, speaking of games, because it is a little what it is. For the time DSiWare store is still closed but the first titles to be available out of the console in the store. Five soft we should be offered: Pyoro, Wario Ware snapped!, Art Style: Code, Art Style: Aquit and Paper Plane. Each game will be marketed against a few hundred points . My little finger tells me that we can also expect to see GBA games now that the port is closed. But this remains a mere speculation. As for the DS games, they can now enjoy two brighter screens and a much better sound. It was also - finally - can return back to the start of the console in the middle part by a single press of the power button. Finally, the Japanese and U.S. games are still supported, the console has not been zoned. Remember that Nintendo provides, however, zoner future titles ISD.

Whether or not to rush on the Nintendo DSI? Actually, it all depends on your current equipment. DS owners "Tank" who were reportedly deadlocked on the DS Lite may be tempted if the loss of backwards compatibility with GBA games do not too sad. As for DS Lite owners, we strongly advise their patient. There is no reason at present to spend RS 9000 in this model, which does after all only two applications purely gadgets and whose strength of conviction based primarily on the promise a wide range of new widgets to download. And if we dare you say otherwise consider as your first of a scam. By passing the GBA port - in an effort to curb piracy of DS games and also, perhaps, to market the games of his ancestor download - Nintendo is once again a controversial choice that could upset a lot its stubbornly loyal to their collection of cartridges.

Finally, the ISD is a new rapprochement between the Nintendo consoles. New interface ready to host a variety of applications, opening DSiWare and visual harmonization with its big sister Wii: The new console from Nintendo is doing everything to be adopted by the public of it. In short this is a product very well studied and should win a success when the strike force marketing for Nintendo will hit our screens and in our streets. But a product that has yet to make all evidence .

Source : techarena.in

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