Review - Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood (PC Game)

Success both commercially and critically, Call Of Juarez first name was probably not the best action game on its release in 2006, but he could count on Far West to think outside the box. This theme is of course the program later that Techland / Ubisoft should sell during the month of June. Impressions of the handful of levels are unveiled.
"I will sleep peacefully because I know that now my worst enemy watches over me"
The scenario Bound In Blood started some twenty years before the beginning of Call Of Juarez and it is still subject to direct a duo of heroes, they have changed somewhat. Billy is firstly more appointments and Reverend McCall was still called by his name, Ray, as he had not yet entered the orders. To join him, Techland has imagined the character of Thomas McCall, the brother of Ray. The two brothers were known as the McCall Brothers and developers propose therefore give us their story.
It is told through a "campaign" about fifteen missions and begins with the Civil War. In a markedly different style, we will return, the brothers are known for their courage, but also for their insubordination in the Confederate Army. The conflict ended, they are team that we do not yet know very well the nature of their activities. From this we can conclude that the different tasks presented by Ubisoft, it appears that after the war, they opposed the United States military, they are to defend their property and, later, an Indian village .
Ray McCall, albeit younger, running on the same principle as in Call of Juarez. Powerful, it compensates for its relatively slow with a high precision in shooting. His weapon of choice is the double gun, one in each hand, but it does not reluctant to use a few sticks of dynamite history to open a passage or block the progression of his opponents Thomas is more in the vein of Billy Call Of Juarez. The developers have decided to completely revise their specifications so that the game does not look like a set of platforms "way or Tomb Raider" game infiltration "in the manner of a Splinter Cell.
These criticisms were made against Call Of Juarez, and Bound In Blood, Thomas differs quite markedly from Billy. His agility allows him certainly some acrobatics, but it is never a matter of changing style of play this way, its ability to overcome certain obstacles or climbing various walls is perfectly integrated into the FPS genre (action game in the first person). Better still, these possibilities even allow developers to change the situation by giving meaning to the duo: it is that Thomas is the first and reaches out to his brother to the host.
The opposite possibility also exists, and Ray will come to the rescue of Thomas, unable to cross a particular barrier is particularly true when it comes to blow a few sticks of dynamite. This complementarity of the two brothers used to vary the game by McCall that the player has selected (free choice for each mission), but unfortunately it is not about to propose a cooperative mode. One option would have been interesting, but the scenario made it impossible: it is therefore console with western ambiance very well done, the real duels during which he must learn faster than his opponent, but "starting early" .
The opposite possibility also exists, and Ray will come to the rescue of Thomas, unable to cross a particular barrier is particularly true when it comes to blow a few sticks of dynamite. This complementarity of the two brothers used to vary the game by McCall that the player has selected (free choice for each mission), but unfortunately it is not about to propose a cooperative mode. One option would have been interesting, but the scenario made it impossible: it is therefore console with western ambiance very well done, the real duels during which he must learn faster than his opponent, but "starting early".
All in all, without really revolutionize the gameplay of its predecessor which he took particular sequences of known concentration, the FPS seems to cut to delight fans of the films of Sergio Leone, especially as several multiplayer modes are a already provided by the developers in order to please fans of deathmatch / team deathmatch, but not only.
Techland has also devised a method called and wanted in which a player designated as "target" is to survive as long as possible. The team wanted mode that works more like a "save the VIP where a team must get off the target while the other must protect it. Finally, the version that has been presented, the realization was promising and, if the bugs do not spoil our enjoyment, it is likely that we have a good time on PC, Playstation 3 on or Xbox 360.
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Success both commercially and critically, Call Of Juarez first name was probably not the best action game on its release in 2006, but he could count on Far West to think outside the box. This theme is of course the program later that Techland / Ubisoft should sell during the month of June. Impressions of the handful of levels are unveiled.

The scenario Bound In Blood started some twenty years before the beginning of Call Of Juarez and it is still subject to direct a duo of heroes, they have changed somewhat. Billy is firstly more appointments and Reverend McCall was still called by his name, Ray, as he had not yet entered the orders. To join him, Techland has imagined the character of Thomas McCall, the brother of Ray. The two brothers were known as the McCall Brothers and developers propose therefore give us their story.
It is told through a "campaign" about fifteen missions and begins with the Civil War. In a markedly different style, we will return, the brothers are known for their courage, but also for their insubordination in the Confederate Army. The conflict ended, they are team that we do not yet know very well the nature of their activities. From this we can conclude that the different tasks presented by Ubisoft, it appears that after the war, they opposed the United States military, they are to defend their property and, later, an Indian village .
Ray McCall, albeit younger, running on the same principle as in Call of Juarez. Powerful, it compensates for its relatively slow with a high precision in shooting. His weapon of choice is the double gun, one in each hand, but it does not reluctant to use a few sticks of dynamite history to open a passage or block the progression of his opponents Thomas is more in the vein of Billy Call Of Juarez. The developers have decided to completely revise their specifications so that the game does not look like a set of platforms "way or Tomb Raider" game infiltration "in the manner of a Splinter Cell.

The opposite possibility also exists, and Ray will come to the rescue of Thomas, unable to cross a particular barrier is particularly true when it comes to blow a few sticks of dynamite. This complementarity of the two brothers used to vary the game by McCall that the player has selected (free choice for each mission), but unfortunately it is not about to propose a cooperative mode. One option would have been interesting, but the scenario made it impossible: it is therefore console with western ambiance very well done, the real duels during which he must learn faster than his opponent, but "starting early" .
The opposite possibility also exists, and Ray will come to the rescue of Thomas, unable to cross a particular barrier is particularly true when it comes to blow a few sticks of dynamite. This complementarity of the two brothers used to vary the game by McCall that the player has selected (free choice for each mission), but unfortunately it is not about to propose a cooperative mode. One option would have been interesting, but the scenario made it impossible: it is therefore console with western ambiance very well done, the real duels during which he must learn faster than his opponent, but "starting early".
All in all, without really revolutionize the gameplay of its predecessor which he took particular sequences of known concentration, the FPS seems to cut to delight fans of the films of Sergio Leone, especially as several multiplayer modes are a already provided by the developers in order to please fans of deathmatch / team deathmatch, but not only.
Techland has also devised a method called and wanted in which a player designated as "target" is to survive as long as possible. The team wanted mode that works more like a "save the VIP where a team must get off the target while the other must protect it. Finally, the version that has been presented, the realization was promising and, if the bugs do not spoil our enjoyment, it is likely that we have a good time on PC, Playstation 3 on or Xbox 360.
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