Apr 26, 2008

DTD Terms

DTD Terms

  • Attribute - A defined characteristic of an element. Possible attributes are defined in the DTD using the ATTRIBUTE statement, normally under the element declaration.
  • DTD - Document type definition is a document used to define markup elements and their relationship to each other along with attributes.
  • Element - Used to establish markup by setting aside one area of content from another. It is a designator that defines special objects and usually consists of a beginning and ending tag, but may have just a beginning tag. Each element may have display characteristics defined separately and thereby can appear different when viewed.
  • Entity - A name definition used to refer to a string or an external file with some content. It is basically a reference.
  • HTML - Hyper-Text Markup Language is the basic language web pages are written in.
  • SGML - Standardized generalized markup language is the mother of all markup languages.
  • Tags - Tags are used to surround text which has special meaning in markup languages. Tags tell the browser what to do. The tag set <P> </P> is used to tell the browser that text between the two tags is to be set apart as a separate paragraph in HTML. The combination of required tags form an element.
  • Extensible markup language is a less complicated subset of SGML.

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