Apr 26, 2008

The CTDP Connectivity Technology Guide, CORBA

The CTDP Connectivity Technology Guide

Distributed object computing allows objects that are distributed across a network on various computers to operate in a coordinated unified manner.

Connectivity technologies allow programs on a given computer to run routines or access objects on another remote computer. Connectivity technologies include:

  • CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture from OMG.
  • DCOM - Distributed Component Object Modules from Microsoft.
  • RMI - Remote Method Invocation is a JAVA Technology allowing a computer to run object methods on a remote computer.
  • RPC - RPC, defined by RFC 1057, is a set of function calls used by a client program to call functions in a remote server program.

The client uses an interface to invoke a service from a remote distributed object. An Interface Definition Language (IDL) is used to define the remote object's interface which allows clients to access the remote object server's methods. This serves as a contract between the server and the remote or local clients.


Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is a standard from the Object Management Grout (OMG). CORBA uses the Object Request Broker (ORB) to communicate. The following categories of objects are recognized:

  • Applications
  • Domains
  • Facilities
  • Services

Networking components must be in one of these categories.

CORBA allows these tasks to be automated:

  • Object registration
  • Object location
  • Object activation
  • Request demultiplexing
  • Error handling
  • Data framing
  • Parameter marshaling
  • Operation dispatching

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