Feb 17, 2008

IPX/SPX Protocols/ AppleTalk Networking Protocols

IPX/SPX Protocols

IPX/SPX is a routable protocol and can be used for small and large networks. It was created by Novell primarily for Novell NetWare networks, but is popular enough that it is used on products that are not from Novell.

  • NCP - NetWare Core Protocol provides for client/server interactions such as file and print sharing. It works at the application, presentation, and session levels.
  • SAP - Service Advertising Protocol packets are used by file and print servers to periodically advertise the address of the server and the services available. It works at the application, presentation, and session levels.
  • SPX - Sequenced Packet Exchange operates at the transport layer providing connection oriented communication on top of IPX.
  • IPX - Internetwork Packet Exchange supports the transport and network layers of the OSI network model. Provides for network addressing and routing. It provides fast, unreliable, communication with network nodes using a connection less datagram service.

Network Level











Data Link

NDIS/NIC drivers

Other Network Support

  • ODI - Open Data-link Interface operates at the data link layer allowing IPX to work with any network interface card
  • RIP - Routing Information Protocol is the default routing protocol for IPX/SPX networks which operates at the network layer. A distance-vector algorithm is used to calculate the best route for a packet.
  • MHS - Message Handling Service by Novell is used for mail on Netware networks.

AppleTalk Networking Protocols

Apple Computers have had their own set of protocols for many years. More and more operating systems today now can communicate with Apple systems using Apple networking protocols.

  • ADSP - AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol is used to provide data stream service for sockets. The data stream is full duplex meaning communication may be sent both directions at the same time. Works at the OSI network model session layer.
  • AEP - AppleTalk echo protocol uses echoes to tell if a computer, or node, is available. It also measures the time it takes for eches to travel from the source computer (node) to the destination and back. Works at the OSI network model transport layer.
  • AFP - AppleTalk Filing protocol makes network files appear local by managing file sharing at the presentation layer. This protocol is build to top of ASP. AFP supports communication between different types of computers. Works at the OSI network model application and presentation layers.
  • AppleShare - Works at the application layer to provide services.
  • ARUP - AppleTalk update routing is a newer version of RTMP.
  • ASP - AppleTalk Session Protocol opens, maintains, and closes transactions during a session, while ADSP provides a full-duplex, byte-stream service between any two sockets on an AppleTalk Internet. Works at the OSI network model session layer.
  • ATP - AppleTalk Transaction Protocol provides a Transport Layer connection between computers. This protocol guarantees reliability by directing the transaction process and binding the request and response. Works at the OSI network model transport layer.
  • DDP - Datagram Delivery Protocol is a routable protocol that provides for data packet (datagram) transportation. It operates at the network layer of the OSI network model which is the same level the IP protocol in TCP/IP operates at. Works at the OSI network model network layer.
  • LAP - Link-Access Protocol is a set of data link layer protocols that support LocalTalk (LLAP), EtherTalk (ELAP), TokenTalk (TLAP), and FDDITalk. The LAP manager determines which LAP to connect for the correct upper level protocol.
  • NBP - Name-binding protocol translates addresses into user friently three part names. Works at the OSI network model transport layer.
  • PAP - Printer Access Protocol is a connection oriented service for managing information between workstations and printers. It is used to send print requests to printers.
  • RTMP - Routing Table Maintenance Protocol is used to update routers with information about network status and address tables. The whole address table is sent across the network. This protocol sends its information as broadcasts across the network every 10 seconds. Works at the OSI network model transport layer.
  • ZIP - Zone Information Protocol is used by AppleTalk routers co create a Zone Information Table (ZIT). The ZIT has a list of zone names which are associated with network numbers. This list is displayed in the Apple System's file Chooser. Works at the OSI network model session layer.

Network Level

















Data Link

LAP protocols

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