Review - Red Alert 3, game
Uprising continues the campaign of the Allies ended, the Soviets and Japanese reports, the Allies have the world in hostile hands and the various leaders are captured or slain. It seems that the Allies have everything perfectly under control and total world domination have. The reality is different, because now the Soviets have a number of research facilities of the Allies discovered that not all equally pure coffee. The rest of the world is not happy with the research facilities and touched in revolt. Meanwhile, in Japan a rebellion in the life of military leaders, after undergoing the Empire of the Rising Sun was not under the authority of the Allies want and at times there. Your job to stand in the head button. Meanwhile you are with the Japanese also engaged in the expulsion of the Soviets in Japan, something that you or without help from the Allies to do.
These three short stories cover all three missions, except those of the Soviets, which contains four missions. The missions are generally tougher than those of Red Alert 3 and require more tactical thinking. The missions also differ in scope. Z you have only one mission with a small group of infantry games, while at the other mission with a small army a place for a basic free to, or directly to a basic start.
The biggest downside is the absence of the brilliant co-op mode as we saw in Red Alert 3. This mode was one of the most notable things from Red Alert and the loss is not only unfortunate but also incomprehensible, because the missions are still suitable for co-op gameplay. Also, during the missions every now and then trial and error and I mean mainly: save, save and save again. You regularly against new units in the missions and you know in the beginning not yet exactly how to deal with this, so you may occasionally be swept away. In that respect Uprising is a lot less forgiving.
New units
As in really any extension for an RTS, there are also a number of new units per faction.
The Soviets get the Mortar Cycle, fast engine with a soldier in the side that throws Molotov, the Reaper, an anti-vehicle version of the Sickle which can permanently change a turret, the Grinder, a vehicle with two huge wheels at the front again and Desolator, a unit known from RA2 with poison and radiation quickly with other infantry afrekent.
The Allies have the Future Tank X-1, a kind of robot crawler, the FAV Pacifier, a hover tank from far away with his cannon to bombard the enemy, the Harbringer Gunship, a flying gun platform, with a large cannon or machine guns enemies on the ground constantly and Cryo Legionnaire, a foot soldier with a gun that freezes opponents, and with your other units can reduce to ice cubes.
The Japanese have created new units to the Maiden Archer, a female soldier with her bow and arrow futuristic ground targets and air targets constantly, the Ronin Steel, a mechanic that is very strong against tanks and other vehicles, and Giga-Fortress, a bizarre large mobile defense platform that can transform air unit.
The background of Yuriko Omega, the Japanese with the terrible forces, is further explored. This campaign is very nice set up and you play it with only Yuriko, in a sort of RPG-style. You can acquire skills through computer terminals to hacking and secret information to retrieve. These skills are similar to the Top-Secret Protocols you can choose with the other groups. So you can choose to Yuriko stronger or faster, or its special forces will expand. This way, Yuriko including Telekinesis, which they can throw objects or light vehicles to lift. Also, the possibility of a number of infantry units to fight for her.
Ultimately, if you all computer terminals, the full forces of Yuriko reap. This campaign made me think of the missions that you only played Tanya in the previous sections, often very challenging and there is what tactical thinking needed to achieve your goals. Unfortunately, the campaign as to the short side. Learn more by the developers had removed them.
Commander's Challenge
New Red Alert 3 is the Commander's Challenge game mode. This is somewhat similar to the General's Challenge from C & C Generals: Zero Hour. This game mode contains 50 unique missions will be increasingly difficult. Also, these unique units, missions, special events and other fun surprises.
There is a mission where every second somewhere in the landscape an explosive barrel is placed. The longer you're doing, the more there are drums, and eventually you will need to be careful where you shoot, because one mistake and shot the thing exploded. Another mission will be to increase the time a satellite from the sky, and you should take into account the location of your units at that time.
You can play with all three groups play only in the beginning you have only a limited number of units available. By completing the missions you play as new units free and you'll eventually all units of your army to play Friday. After each scenario, you get a unit there, only varies by mission which unit you get. Often you can choose from different missions and different units for different groups.
You can therefore choose to have all units of a certain group free play, so you concentrate on that faction. You are therefore two options: go with a group and play very much, or you play with all factions one bit? This all affects your emissions, because it may just happen that you still do not have powerful ships and the opponent does. You will therefore need to find another solution.
This is a very fun game mode that you have a good time and good will can also curious what your next mission will encounter when you're that powerful unit plays Friday. Especially for Skirmish fans this is a very fun game mode, there are also 30 new multiplayer maps created, so there's plenty new to discover.
Audio & Video
EA surprised here with an impressive soundtrack. Existing music from Red Alert 3 was already impressive and Uprising are some good new songs added. The stirring music when an attack comes and the quiet music as if nothing happened, it fits perfectly and helps to strengthen the atmosphere.
The new units all have their unique voices and weather sounds. Especially the accents of the Allies are very nice made with Cryo Legionnaire who sounds like Schwarzenegger in his good years as my favorite.
Again, the introductions made by the famous movie with real actors, even during the missions, there will be someone from the headquarters regularly appear with advice or new assignments. There are a number of new characters and actors in the picture. The best known new actors Malcolm McDowell and Holly Valance. Furthermore, Eva course back and the Russian Dasha is again available. Unfortunately, the acting really bad example. Especially the characters of the Empire of the Rising Sun are really about and are totally convincing in their statements.
For example, a Japanese a very significant message when its armies beats: "Now I will have to change my plans because of you." Something really clinging on when you like a heavy bloody battle have made. In this respect, the less important characters much more interesting, and you therefore against the Commander's Challenge. The fact that the quality has fallen so since Red Alert 3, is very unfortunate, because it brings the true atmosphere of the Red Alert series.

The Verdict
Red Alert 3: Uprising is a very nice enlargement. Unfortunately the acting is much less convincing than in Red Alert 3 and also the lack of co-op mode is really very unfortunate. The most striking is the absence of a multiplayer mode. But do not worry, even on your own there is plenty to do. The new missions are fun, new units fit perfectly between the existing and the large number of new multiplayer maps are also fine. The Commander's Challenge game mode is very nice thought and you will lot of hours involved.
The price is also nice for such an extension. Let me start with another drawback: the game is not in the shop. Only online via the EA Store and Direct2Drive, the game is to buy and that is a digital download. I personally find this very unfortunate, because they came with Red Alert 3 have a special edition and now is not even a regular edition in the shops. In addition, also not everyone has a credit card, so it is very strange that EA for this method of distribution chosen.
Do you want more Red Alert 3, you play like Skirmish games against the AI and you have a credit card? Uprising is a nice extension for you. Looking for more multiplayer fun, then you may be disappointed by the lack of co-op mode, as well as new units and multiplayer maps, there is no news for several players.
Plus Points:
* Commander's Challenge
* Many content for little money (19.99 euro)
* New units to supplement factions
* Acting work less well than before
* Path Finding still not quite good
* Lack co-op and multiplayer
* Poor availability (EA Store, D2Drive)
EA Los Angeles
Electronics Arts Platform:
Gameplay: 7.5
Graphics: 8.5
Sound: 8.0
AI: 7.5
PC :7.5
Uprising continues the campaign of the Allies ended, the Soviets and Japanese reports, the Allies have the world in hostile hands and the various leaders are captured or slain. It seems that the Allies have everything perfectly under control and total world domination have. The reality is different, because now the Soviets have a number of research facilities of the Allies discovered that not all equally pure coffee. The rest of the world is not happy with the research facilities and touched in revolt. Meanwhile, in Japan a rebellion in the life of military leaders, after undergoing the Empire of the Rising Sun was not under the authority of the Allies want and at times there. Your job to stand in the head button. Meanwhile you are with the Japanese also engaged in the expulsion of the Soviets in Japan, something that you or without help from the Allies to do.
These three short stories cover all three missions, except those of the Soviets, which contains four missions. The missions are generally tougher than those of Red Alert 3 and require more tactical thinking. The missions also differ in scope. Z you have only one mission with a small group of infantry games, while at the other mission with a small army a place for a basic free to, or directly to a basic start.
The biggest downside is the absence of the brilliant co-op mode as we saw in Red Alert 3. This mode was one of the most notable things from Red Alert and the loss is not only unfortunate but also incomprehensible, because the missions are still suitable for co-op gameplay. Also, during the missions every now and then trial and error and I mean mainly: save, save and save again. You regularly against new units in the missions and you know in the beginning not yet exactly how to deal with this, so you may occasionally be swept away. In that respect Uprising is a lot less forgiving.
New units
As in really any extension for an RTS, there are also a number of new units per faction.
The Soviets get the Mortar Cycle, fast engine with a soldier in the side that throws Molotov, the Reaper, an anti-vehicle version of the Sickle which can permanently change a turret, the Grinder, a vehicle with two huge wheels at the front again and Desolator, a unit known from RA2 with poison and radiation quickly with other infantry afrekent.
The Allies have the Future Tank X-1, a kind of robot crawler, the FAV Pacifier, a hover tank from far away with his cannon to bombard the enemy, the Harbringer Gunship, a flying gun platform, with a large cannon or machine guns enemies on the ground constantly and Cryo Legionnaire, a foot soldier with a gun that freezes opponents, and with your other units can reduce to ice cubes.
The Japanese have created new units to the Maiden Archer, a female soldier with her bow and arrow futuristic ground targets and air targets constantly, the Ronin Steel, a mechanic that is very strong against tanks and other vehicles, and Giga-Fortress, a bizarre large mobile defense platform that can transform air unit.

The background of Yuriko Omega, the Japanese with the terrible forces, is further explored. This campaign is very nice set up and you play it with only Yuriko, in a sort of RPG-style. You can acquire skills through computer terminals to hacking and secret information to retrieve. These skills are similar to the Top-Secret Protocols you can choose with the other groups. So you can choose to Yuriko stronger or faster, or its special forces will expand. This way, Yuriko including Telekinesis, which they can throw objects or light vehicles to lift. Also, the possibility of a number of infantry units to fight for her.
Ultimately, if you all computer terminals, the full forces of Yuriko reap. This campaign made me think of the missions that you only played Tanya in the previous sections, often very challenging and there is what tactical thinking needed to achieve your goals. Unfortunately, the campaign as to the short side. Learn more by the developers had removed them.
Commander's Challenge
New Red Alert 3 is the Commander's Challenge game mode. This is somewhat similar to the General's Challenge from C & C Generals: Zero Hour. This game mode contains 50 unique missions will be increasingly difficult. Also, these unique units, missions, special events and other fun surprises.
There is a mission where every second somewhere in the landscape an explosive barrel is placed. The longer you're doing, the more there are drums, and eventually you will need to be careful where you shoot, because one mistake and shot the thing exploded. Another mission will be to increase the time a satellite from the sky, and you should take into account the location of your units at that time.
You can play with all three groups play only in the beginning you have only a limited number of units available. By completing the missions you play as new units free and you'll eventually all units of your army to play Friday. After each scenario, you get a unit there, only varies by mission which unit you get. Often you can choose from different missions and different units for different groups.
You can therefore choose to have all units of a certain group free play, so you concentrate on that faction. You are therefore two options: go with a group and play very much, or you play with all factions one bit? This all affects your emissions, because it may just happen that you still do not have powerful ships and the opponent does. You will therefore need to find another solution.
This is a very fun game mode that you have a good time and good will can also curious what your next mission will encounter when you're that powerful unit plays Friday. Especially for Skirmish fans this is a very fun game mode, there are also 30 new multiplayer maps created, so there's plenty new to discover.
EA surprised here with an impressive soundtrack. Existing music from Red Alert 3 was already impressive and Uprising are some good new songs added. The stirring music when an attack comes and the quiet music as if nothing happened, it fits perfectly and helps to strengthen the atmosphere.
The new units all have their unique voices and weather sounds. Especially the accents of the Allies are very nice made with Cryo Legionnaire who sounds like Schwarzenegger in his good years as my favorite.
Again, the introductions made by the famous movie with real actors, even during the missions, there will be someone from the headquarters regularly appear with advice or new assignments. There are a number of new characters and actors in the picture. The best known new actors Malcolm McDowell and Holly Valance. Furthermore, Eva course back and the Russian Dasha is again available. Unfortunately, the acting really bad example. Especially the characters of the Empire of the Rising Sun are really about and are totally convincing in their statements.
For example, a Japanese a very significant message when its armies beats: "Now I will have to change my plans because of you." Something really clinging on when you like a heavy bloody battle have made. In this respect, the less important characters much more interesting, and you therefore against the Commander's Challenge. The fact that the quality has fallen so since Red Alert 3, is very unfortunate, because it brings the true atmosphere of the Red Alert series.

The Verdict
Red Alert 3: Uprising is a very nice enlargement. Unfortunately the acting is much less convincing than in Red Alert 3 and also the lack of co-op mode is really very unfortunate. The most striking is the absence of a multiplayer mode. But do not worry, even on your own there is plenty to do. The new missions are fun, new units fit perfectly between the existing and the large number of new multiplayer maps are also fine. The Commander's Challenge game mode is very nice thought and you will lot of hours involved.
The price is also nice for such an extension. Let me start with another drawback: the game is not in the shop. Only online via the EA Store and Direct2Drive, the game is to buy and that is a digital download. I personally find this very unfortunate, because they came with Red Alert 3 have a special edition and now is not even a regular edition in the shops. In addition, also not everyone has a credit card, so it is very strange that EA for this method of distribution chosen.
Do you want more Red Alert 3, you play like Skirmish games against the AI and you have a credit card? Uprising is a nice extension for you. Looking for more multiplayer fun, then you may be disappointed by the lack of co-op mode, as well as new units and multiplayer maps, there is no news for several players.
Plus Points:
* Commander's Challenge
* Many content for little money (19.99 euro)
* New units to supplement factions
* Acting work less well than before
* Path Finding still not quite good
* Lack co-op and multiplayer
* Poor availability (EA Store, D2Drive)
EA Los Angeles
Electronics Arts Platform:
Gameplay: 7.5
Graphics: 8.5
Sound: 8.0
AI: 7.5
PC :7.5
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