Apr 3, 2009

Review- Mytran Wars (PSP)

Review- Mytran Wars (PSP)

Stormregion offers his vision of the portable console wargame to all lovers of big machinery well oiled.

The turn-based strategy on consoles is not just barbaric androgynous, prepubescent witches, and dragons too kawaï. It is also a case of men, true, those who benefit live bullets comfortably stash in 'mechanoids" battle tunes and extremely virile.

Better than ever Pythar

In this case, the army of bad guys who just landed on the planet Pythar responds to the orders of the Corporation Kondor, which, as we soon guess, is not a branch of Emmaus.

Pythar full of resources. And too bad if for stealing this material, must be coming to blows with mytran a peaceful civilization of extraterrestrials but confident of their right, ready to turn into big Golems if we want to loot mine their environment.

You want your p. .. of war!

The solo campaign mytran Wars alternating phases which leads Eli and Rachel, a couple of drivers of villains led by corporate values as low as remorse and compassion, and other missions in which you take control of mytran decided to end all the people away from home.

As we are talking about a strategy game, it will move its robots or Golems on a map divided into boxes, trying to play it fine enough to pass the main objective (knowing that each mission has a secondary objective and a 'secret').

On the way, he should catch a maximum of enemy buildings to counter the rise of search points, and kill a maximum of baddies to earn some money.

Fire doll, doll's

Two resources that will take care to spend between two battles, since each of the two camps have a "tree" technology quite dense, giving access to numerous pieces of additional equipment for its war machines.

It is possible to play with dolls in tweak from head to foot its mechanoids or Golems. And attention to the way of a Fire Emblem, eliminated any unit is lost forever, which could happen quite often given the difficulty of the game Stormregion. We must therefore think about keeping some funds to repurchase from time to time, among the three types (large, very large and very large) available.

Mi-Figue mytran

All this is not a daring delirious, but is pretty nice. Especially the multiplayer mode is not stingy with options, whether or coop against each other in line, several in a single console or with a single stake in his dressing was not left with a kinematic transition comics a little cheap but give a real identity to the title. Or with its battlefields fully modeled in 3D and the camera that rotates up to great nausea shots joystick.

But, and it's a shame for him, mytran Wars still suffers from a certain lack of rhythm, and an interface cumbersome and ineffective compared with tenors of the turn-based strategy. Mytran Wars is not bad egg, however it would probably delight fans of the genre tired of the games Japanese universe "cul-cul".


* A refreshing universe
* The tree comprehensive technology
* The multiplayer rich


* Interface heavy
* Map not always readable
* Very nervous

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