Feb 3, 2009

Video on demand (VOD)

Video on demand (VOD)

Video on demand (VOD) systems can either "stream" content and allowing it to be viewed while the video is being downloaded or "download" the program completely to a set-top box before being able to view thus allowing users to select and watch video content over a network as part of an interactive television system. Such downloaded and some of the streaming videos provide the user with a large number of options like pause, fast forward, fast rewind, slow forward, slow rewind, jump to previous/future frame etc. It requires more effort on the part of the server and may also require greater network bandwidth with streaming systems. A very rapid response to users is provided when video servers are put on LANs. Responsiveness may be reduced when streaming video servers serve a wider community via a WAN. Introduced by 1990 in Hong Kong, the download VOD service was launched services are practical to homes equipped with cable modems or DSL connections. Since the technology was not mature, Hong Kong Telecom lost a large amount of money and the service was taken over by Pacific Century Cyberworks in 2000, who later discontinued it, as video CDs were much cheaper, and pay TV was not common in Hong Kong.

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