Feb 3, 2009



Clearly depicting the emergent behavior of flocking birds, boids is an artificial life stimulation program developed by Craig Reynolds in 1996. There are few simple rules boids adhere to 1) Seperation – Maneuver to avoid crowding local flock mates. 2) Alignment - Steer towards the average heading of local flockmates. 3) Cohension - Maneuver to move toward the average position of local flock mates. Rules that help to avoid obstacles and that aid in goal seeking can also be added. The distinct part about the boids is its emergent and unexpected behavior like the splitting of flocks and reuniting after avoiding obstacles, which can be either chaotic or orderly. Working in the same line of cellular automata, each boid acts individually and references a neighborhood. Boids frame work can be helpful in providing a realistic representation of herds of animals or schools of fish in computer graphics.

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