Jan 21, 2009

OSI Network Architecture 7 Layers Model

OSI Network Architecture 7 Layers Model

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a reference model developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in 1984, as a conceptual framework of standards for communication in the network across different equipment and applications by different vendors. It is now considered the primary architectural model for inter-computing and internetworking communications. Most of the network communication protocols used today have a structure based on the OSI model. The OSI model defines the communications process into 7 layers, dividing the tasks involved with moving information between networked computers into seven smaller, more manageable task groups. A task or group of tasks is then assigned to each of the seven OSI layers. Each layer is reasonably self-contained so that the tasks assigned to each layer can be implemented independently. This enables the solutions offered by one layer to be updated without adversely affecting the other layers.

The OSI 7 layers model has clear characteristics at each layer. Basically, layers 7 through 4 deal with end to end communications between data source and destinations, while layers 3 to 1 deal with communications between network devices. On the other hand, the seven layers of the OSI model can be divided into two groups: upper layers (layers 7, 6 & 5) and lower layers (layers 4, 3, 2, 1). The upper layers of the OSI model deal with application issues and generally are implemented only in software. The highest layer, the application layer, is closest to the end user. The lower layers of the OSI model handle data transport issues. The physical layer and the data link layer are implemented in hardware and software. The lowest layer, the physical layer, is closest to the physical network medium (the wires, for example) and is responsible for placing data on the medium.

The specific description for each layer is as follows:

Layer 7: Application Layer

Ø Defines interface to user processes for communication and data transfer in network

Ø Provides standardized services such as virtual terminal, file and job transfer and operations

Layer 6: Presentation Layer

Ø Masks the differences of data formats between dissimilar systems

Ø Specifies architecture-independent data transfer format

Ø Encodes and decodes data; encrypts and decrypts data; compresses and decompresses data

Layer 5: Session Layer

Ø Manages user sessions and dialogues

Ø Controls establishment and termination of logic links between users

Ø Reports upper layer errors

Layer 4: Transport Layer

Ø Manages end-to-end message delivery in network

Ø Provides reliable and sequential packet delivery through error recovery and flow control mechanisms

Ø Provides connectionless oriented packet delivery

Layer 3: Network Layer

Ø Determines how data are transferred between network devices

Ø Routes packets according to unique network device addresses

Ø Provides flow and congestion control to prevent network resource depletion

Layer 2: Data Link Layer

Ø Defines procedures for operating the communication links

Ø Frames packets

• Detects and corrects packets transmit errors

Layer 1: Physical Layer

Ø Defines physical means of sending data over network devices

Ø Interfaces between network medium and devices

Ø Defines optical, electrical and mechanical characteristics

Information being transferred from a software application in one computer to an application in another proceeds through the OSI layers. For example, if a software application in computer A has information to pass to a software application in computer B, the application program in computer A need to pass the information to the application layer (Layer 7) of computer A, which then passes the information to the presentation layer (Layer 6), which relays the data to the session layer (Layer 5), and so on all the way down to the physical layer (Layer 1). At the physical layer, the data is placed on the physical network medium and is sent across the medium to computer B. The physical layer of computer B receives the data from the physical medium, and then its physical layer passes the information up to the data link layer (Layer 2), which relays it to the network layer (Layer 3), and so on, until it reaches the application layer (Layer 7) of computer B. Finally, the application layer of computer B passes the information to the recipient application program to complete the communication process. The following diagram illustrated this process.

The seven OSI layers use various forms of control information to communicate with their peer layers in other computer systems. This control information consists of specific requests and instructions that are exchanged between peer OSI layers. Headers and Trailers of data at each layer are the two basic forms to carry the control information.

Headers are prepended to data that has been passed down from upper layers. Trailers are appended to data that has been passed down from upper layers. An OSI layer is not required to attach a header or a trailer to data from upper layers.

Each layer may add a Header and a Trailer to its Data, which consists of the upper layer’s Header, Trailer and Data as it proceeds through the layers. The Headers contain information that specifically addresses layer-to-layer communication. Headers, trailers and data are relative concepts, depending on the layer that analyzes the information unit. For example, the Transport Header (TH) contains information that only the Transport layer sees. All other layers below the Transport layer pass the Transport Header as part of their Data. At the network layer, an information unit consists of a Layer 3 header (NH) and data.

At the data link layer, however, all the information passed down by the network layer (the Layer 3 header and the data) is treated as data. In other words, the data portion of an information unit at a given OSI layer potentially can contain headers, trailers, and data from all the higher layers. This is known as encapsulation. For example, if computer A has data from a software application to send to computer B, the data is passed to the application layer. The application layer in computer A then communicates any control information required by the application layer in computer B by prepending a header to the data. The resulting message unit, which includes a header, the data and

maybe a trailer, is passed to the presentation layer, which pre-pends its own header containing control information intended for the presentation layer in computer B. The message unit grows in size as each layer prepends its own header and trailer containing control information to be used by its peer layer in computer B. At the physical layer, the entire information unit is transmitted through the network medium.

The physical layer in computer B receives the information unit and passes it to the data link layer. The data link layer in computer B then reads the control information contained in the header prepended by the data link layer in computer A. The header and the trailer are then removed, and the remainder of the information unit is passed to the network layer. Each layer performs the same actions: The layer reads the header and trailer from its peer layer, strips it off, and passes the remaining information unit to the next higher layer. After the application layer performs these actions, the data is passed to the recipient software application in computer B, in exactly the form in which it was transmitted by the application in computer A.

One OSI layer communicates with another layer to make use of the services provided by the second layer. The services provided by adjacent layers help a given OSI layer communicate with its peer layer in other computer systems. A given layer in the OSI model generally communicates with three other OSI layers: the layer directly above it, the layer directly below it and its peer layer in other networked computer systems. The data link layer in computer A, for example, communicates with the network layer of computer A, the physical layer of computer A and the data link layer in computer B. The following chart illustrates this example.

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