Dec 30, 2008



In order to have good performance the goals of the organization, team, and individuals must be clear to all members of the staff. It is the job of management to communicate these goals. This does not need to be stated in a fancy way or overdone. Goals can be stated in the following manners:

  • Job Descriptions.
  • Organizational Mission Statements.
  • Group and individual objective statements.

Specific job goals increase performance. Setting quantity goals for production oriented jobs increases productivity but caution must be used when this is done for research and development job types. In any event, in order for goal setting to be effective, staff members must believe that the goals are reasonable and achievable.

Organizations should define:

  • Who their customers are.
  • What the organization provides customers.
  • Purpose of the organization.
  • Objectives of the organization that are specific. It should be possible to verify that these goals were achieved.
  • Objectives should be defined for departments.
  • Positional goals should be clearly defined.

Mission and Objectives

Goals, strategy and programs support the organizational mission and objectives. They are listed below with some general examples.

  • Mission (core job) - Supplying specific product to specific customers.
  • Objectives (tools) - Better image, more market share, more profit in the organization.
  • Goals (what and when) - Year by year, increase market share or measurable image
  • Strategy (how) - Get more share of market with current products by improving image and quality. Open new markets
  • Programs (implementation) - Develop new product, lower cost, and improve quality in current product.

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