May 3, 2008

UML Visibility , UML Layered Architecture

UML Visibility

One object must be able to see another object in order to use it. Ways to establish visibility of one object from another are:

  • Parameter visibility - Pass a parameter reference to a method in the object. While that method is active, the object specified by the parameter is visible. (temporary visibility)
  • Attribute visibility - Use an object attribute as a reference to the other object. (permanent visibility)
  • Global - Have the object reference be globally visible. (permanent visibility)
  • Local - Have the object reference be locally visible. Acquire an object reference through another object. Active only while the method is being run. (temporary visibility)

UML Layered Architecture

  1. Presentation (user)
  2. Application (Record transactions, authorize, etc.)
    • Application coordination
    • Domain
    • Services
  3. Storage

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