May 18, 2008



Config => Miscellaneous

You don't always have to use these options unless really necessary

Run levels

  • The run level controls the behavior of the system.
  • During our installation (if you did this correctly) the system by default is now set to level 3 text console.
  • If you want to automatically log in to graphical mode, this is where you change the run level to 5 graphical.

Kernel configuration

This option is very sensitive. I suggest you do not modify this unless you know what you are doing. After each installation the system is already default.

System logs

Here you specify where to store the system logs. Leave as default.


This is the section where you can configure some of your hardware. If you have or need to install any ISA card, this auto detection utility can help you to quickly configure it. In this option you can also configure your modem. Refer to modem installation in chapter 2 if you need assistance.

You may also configure your printer here via lpd. You can configure it now or read the section for printer installation.

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