May 17, 2008

Killing Processes

Killing Processes

Sometimes it is very necessary to terminate a process. A process is the job being executed by an application and is identified by a number called pid. In order to kill a process you have to be root or super-user.

[root@server2 agustin]# ps –aux

That command will display all the running processes.

It is not difficult to identify the processes. Search through the output of your command and find the PID number. The PID is the process number of your running application.

To kill the application, execute the following:

[root@server2 Agustin]# kill 2644 (This command would kill linuxconf)

The kill command is very useful when you have a non-responding application. Another way of finding the process is searching by name of the application.

[root@server2 agustin]# pidof Xvnc

Now kill the process:
root@server2 agustin]# kill 8613
Very simple…

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