May 17, 2008

How permissions are assigned?

How permissions are assigned?

The basic format of chmod is: chmod xyz file
The xyz represent value that goes from 0-7; each number represents permissions in a group.

For instance:


would be for the owner of the file


would be for the group that owns the file(group the user belongs to)


would be for everybody


name of the file being modified

Refer to the following table for a better understanding




None = can not read, write or execute


Can execute, but can not read or write


Write only, can not read or execute


Can write, can execute


Read only, can not write to or execute


Read only, executable, can not write to


Writeable, readable file, but not executable


Readable, writeable and executable file

There are several ways to give permission to a file as you could see on the last two tables. You could basically use any part of the table to assign these permissions.

I will use the numerical part of the first table to assign permission to an html file that can be viewed over the Internet.

[root@server2 collections]#chmod 644 internal.html

How I determined that? I simply added 400+200+40+4 = 644 from table 3.2

  • Read by owner
  • Write by owner
  • Read by group
  • Read by others

If I do an ls –l that would look like this:

[root@server2 collections]#ls –l


-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6 Aug 17 09:09 afile

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19 Aug 18 12:47 internal.html

[root@server2 collections]#

What would happen if I make that writeable by others (I would be a dumb administrator), but for demonstration purposes lest make that file writeable by others.

[root@server2 collections]# chmod 646 internal.html
Now I do an: ls –l

[root@server2 collections]#ls –l


-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6 Aug 17 09:09 afile

-rw-r--rw- 1 root root 19 Aug 18 12:47 internal.html

[root@server2 collections]#

Now internal.html is world writeable…be careful how you assign permissions. Normally, don't leave a file as 777 (that is full access to the file), anyone can replace or delete it.

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