Perl Variables
Describes the three types of Perl variables and provides examples of Perl variable use.
Variable Indications and types
Three types of perl variables are:
- Scalar designated by $.
- Array designated by @.
- Hash or associative array indicated by %.
The "$" sign indicates scalar variables. They do not need to be declared before they are used. For instance the line:
$myprog = "/usr/bin/progname";
Sets the variable, $myprog to the string value of "/usr/bin/progname" which is the path and name of a program. The line:
$j = 10;
sets the variable $j to a value of 10.
Variable Manipulation
The "." symbol or period causes one string to be added or concatenated to another. Therefore given the following example:
$X = "Hi ";
$Y = "there!";
$X = $X . $Y;
The last statement will take the contents of $X and $Y and place them in $X which is now "Hi there!". A shorthand way to add them is:
$X .= $Y;
This statement performs the same function as the third line above. The value of $X can be seen with the following command:
print $X;
Arrays are created as follows:
@tags = ( 'FORM', 'TABLE', 'OL', 'UL');
The statement:
print $tags[0, "\n"];
prints the string "FORM". The string table is referred to with the $tags[1] reference and so on. The statement:
Print $#tags, "\n";
Will print the largest index value of the array which is 3 in this case, therefore looping for all values in the array may be done as follows:
for ($i = 0; $i < = $#tags; $i++)
print $tags[$i], "\n";
This will print all the values in the array on separate lines. Another way to do this is:
foreach $i (@tags)
print $i, "\n";
The "foreach" command will place each element of the array @tage in $i until all elements have been used.
Hashes are similar to arrays (hashes are also called associative arrays), but contain the data in pairs called a KEY and associated VALUE. Hashes are designated with the '%' sign rather than the '@' as in an array. The {} brackets are used to reference elements in the hash rather than the [] brackets as in normal arrays. Please note that the () brackets are used to create the hash or array.
%group = ('forest', 'tree', 'crowd', 'person');
print "A $group{'forest'} is in the forest.\n"; #A tree is in a forest.
Adding elements to a hash can be done with either of the following methods:
%group = (%group, 'fleet', 'ship');
A list argument can be used to create the hash as follows:
%group = (
forest -> 'tree',
crowd -> 'person',
fleet -> 'ship',
herd -> 'cow'
Two hash variables may be combined into one as follows:
%group1 = ('forest', 'tree', 'crowd', 'person');
%group2 = ('herd', 'cow', 'fleet', 'ship');
%group = (%group1, %group2);
A hash can be printed as follows:
print “@{[%group]}\n”;
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