Mar 20, 2008

Network Protocol Categories and Definitions

Network Protocol Categories and Definitions

First of all you should be aware of the fact, that when talking about networking you will hear the word "protocol" all the time. This is because protocols are sets of standards that define all operations within a network. They may even define how devices outside the network can interact with the network. Protocols define everything from basic networking data structures, to higher level application programs. They define various services and utility programs. The protocols are outlined in Request for Comments (RFCs). Protocols operate at one or more layers of the OSI network model. A set of protocols used for networking is called a stack.

Categories of protocols:

  • Connection type
    1. Connection-oriented - A protocol that relies on connection establishment between two computers. Connection oriented protocols are considered to be reliable protocols since there is a check to be sure the data was received.
    2. Connectionless - Not relying on a connection. It is considered to be an unreliable means of communication.
  • Routing
    1. Routable - The protocol can be sent through a network router.
    2. Non-routable - Cannot be sent through a network router.

      Three main commonly used protocol stacks

    3. TCP/IP - Routable protocol with more overhead is used on the internet.
    4. IPX/SPX - Routable medium speed protocol from Novell.
    5. NetBEUI - Non routable fast protocol.

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